Chitosan lactate in whole wheat bread?

The whole wheat bread has many health-promoting properties compared to white bread, but often has a harder crust, less volume and a denser texture. In the study presented here, the properties of whole wheat bread are to be improved by chitosan lactate.
Exploring Chitosan Lactate as a Multifunctional Additive: Enhancing Quality and Extending Shelf Life of Whole Wheat Bread
Singh, P.; Yadav, V.; Sahu, D.; Kumar, K.; Kim, D.; Yang, D.; Jayaraman, S.; Jarzębski, M.; Wieruszewski, M.; Pal, K. Exploring Chitosan Lactate as a Multifunctional Additive: Enhancing Quality and Extending Shelf Life of Whole Wheat Bread. Foods 2024, 13, 1590.
Bread is one of the world's staple foods and is a source of fiber, vitamins, micronutrients and antioxidants. It consists mainly of flour, water, yeast and salt, and has a brown, crispy crust and a soft interior. The composition varies depending on the type of bread. The quality of the flour in particular is considered a decisive factor for the texture, taste and overall quality of the bread. For this reason, it should be chosen carefully. Refined wheat flour, which is used for white bread, has a high glycemic index (GI). During the baking process at 250 °C, the starch molecules gelatinize strongly and are later quickly broken down by salivary and pancreatic α-amylases when eaten. This leads to a rapid increase in blood sugar concentration, which in turn is accompanied by an high insulin level. A high insulin level promotes increased fat deposits, reduced fat breakdown, cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes.
The situation is different with whole wheat bread. It has a slower glycemic response. It is also an excellent source of essential amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber. This is accompanied by positive health aspects such as reducing the risk of cadiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and obesity. However, the use of whole wheat flour has a negative impact on product quality and the sensory properties are altered. For example, compared to white bread, whole wheat bread often has a smaller bread volume, a denser bread texture, a harder crust and a nuttier taste. This can be altered by adding polysaccharides such as sodium alginate or chitosan. Studies have shown that polysaccharides improve dough quality, increase dough volume and improve the texture of the finished bread. Chitosan is particularly promising as it could also increase the shelf life of the bread thanks to its antimicrobial properties. Chitosan can also have a prebiotic effect and offer additional protection against bowel cancer or gastrointestinal diseases. However, chitosan tends to be less hydrophilic, which is why the use of a water-soluble derivative would be more advantageous.
In the study presented here, the influence of chitosan lactate on whole wheat bread after the baking process was investigated. Concentrations of between 0 % and 3 % chitosan lactate were added. The bread was then characterized for various parameters such as moisture content, visual and sensory properties. Chitosan lactate with a degree of deacetylation of 90 % and a viscosity of 109.08 mPas was used. In our online shop you can also find chitosan lactate.
- Adding chitosan lactate promotes the Maillard reaction → the more chitosan lactate the shinier the bread crust was
- Overall, the breads with chitosan had a higher moisture content and lower impedance values
- The bread with 0.5 % chitosan (P0.5) had large pores and a higher loaf height
- P0.5 had optimal textural, colorimetric and antimicrobial properties compared to other formulations
- The sensory properties of WWBs remain unchanged despite the addition of chitosan lactate
Summary: The presented study has shown that the addition of chitosan content improves the texture and moisture of the whole wheat bread, as well as prolongs the shelf life without affecting the sensory properties. The best overall result was obtained with the addition of 0.5 % chitosan lactate.
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