“Everything starts with an idea”
The cover story of the current version of the university magazine “scientia halensis” deals with the inventive genius in Halle (Saale). And one of the listed inventors too, is HMC+.
This category offers an overview on publications with or about us in the national and international press
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The cover story of the current version of the university magazine “scientia halensis” deals with the inventive genius in Halle (Saale). And one of the listed inventors too, is HMC+.
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On April, 25 2012 the “Forschungskuratorium Textil e.V”. newsletter reported about the results of the development cooperation of Heppe Medical Chitosan GmbH (HMC+) and the Institute of textile machinery and high performance material technology (ITM) at the Technical University of Dresden. The joint development is very promising regarding the solution of various pharmaceutical problems especially in the field of regenerative medicine.
Read more Chitosan-based organic yarn – a research cooperation of TU Dresden and HMC+
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September 14, 2011 the local newspaper Mitteldeutsche Zeitung presents three innovative regional companies. Since innovations always mean investments, the INVESTFORUM Saxony-Anhalt aims to bring together companies with promising business concepts and potential investors.
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Das Deutsche Welle Fernsehen berichtet über erfolgreiche Unternehmerinnen im High-Tech-Sektor. Katja Richter, Gründerin und Geschäftsführerin der Heppe Medical Chitosan GmbH ist eine von ihnen.
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The newspaper Mitteldeutsche Zeitung reported September 10, 2010 about the INVESTFORUM Saxony-Anhalt.
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In Central Germany economy and science are on the growth course. And the Technology and Founders’ Centre (TGZ) is based in Halle (Saale), right in the strategic middle. In a series the SonntagsNachrichten present four companies residing at the TGZ, all working in clean rooms. One of them is Heppe Medical Chitosan.
Read more Company portrait in weekly paper SonntagsNachrichten
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