8. PBP World Meeting 2012 - HMC+ in Istanbul
The 8th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology 2012 will take place from March 19 – 22 in Istanbul. The last meeting took place in Malta in 2010. This congress will be accompanied by the ResearchPharm©, the International Exhibition for R&D. Heppe Medical Chitosan GmbH will be attending this event.
There will be four parallel symposia in the field of basic research, R & D, industrial practise and analytics at the PBP World Meeting 2012.
In 2010 new presented symposia about industry related R & D topics inspired a great deal of interest among visitors. So this year the organizers will keep and even extend this concept.
A large number of oral sessions and poster presentations are planed. Additionally, at ResearchPharm© 40 companies have a chance to present themselves. HMC+ will take this chance to get in contact with interested visitors.
Exhibitors from various fields will be part of the international ResearchPharm© exposition, e.g.:
- Laboratory Equipment
- Small Scale Equipment
- Analytical Instruments
- API – Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients
- Excipients
- Services for the Pharmaceutical Industry and
- CRO – Contract Research Organisations.
The exhibitor list can be found on the link below:
HMC+ is looking forward to meeting you in Istanbul. Do not hesitate to contact us in advance by mail: