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GMP Chitosan, medical device chitosan, pure chitin, pharma chitosan, chitosan derivatives, GMP, Quality, producer | Heppe Medical Chitosan

3D bio-printed chitosan networks for dental applications

Dental, bacterial diseases such as periodontitis can lead to tooth and bone loss. In the study presented here, chitosan, gelatine and Scutellariae baicalensis radix were combined to form a hydrogel to produce an anti-inflammatory implant using 3D bioprinting.

Bimetallic chitosan microgels

The use of microgels is one way of biomimetically mimicking tissue. In the presented study, chitosan microgels will be functionalized with Zn (II) and Cu (II) ions to improve their physicochemical properties.

Chitosan aerogel for bone regeneration

Bone tissue regeneration using artificial scaffolds on which bone cells, such as osteoblasts, can grow is a relatively new approach to repair bone fractures or bone decomposition due to disease. In the work presented, a simple method is introduced to make aerogels from chitosan. These could be suitable as scaffolds for bone cells.

HMC at the ESAO Winterschool 2023 in Lutherstadt Wittenberg

From 15.02. to 18.02.2023 the ESAO Winterschool 2023 will take place in Lutherstadt Wittenberg. The Winterschool is organized by the Fraunhofer Institute for Microstructure of Materials and Systems (IMWS) and the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. Next to experts from the academic world, we, Heppe Medical Chitosan GmbH, will also be represented.

A self-assembling chitosan nanofiber scaffold for nerve regeneration

Injuries to the peripheral nervous system can cause substantial motor and sensory deficits. In the presented study, self-assembling peptide-based hydrogels are injected into a chitosan nanofiber scaffold and used as an artificial nerve graft.

Bio-functionalized chitosan as scaffold for bone tissue engineering

Biocompatibility, biodegradability and stability are important properties for tissue matrices. At the same time, the material should promote cell attachment, proliferation, differentiation and migration. Besides polylactide, collagen or hyaluronic acid, chitosan can also be used as a biopolymer in tissue engineering. In the presented study, chitosan was functionalized with short peptide sequences as a scaffold for osteoblasts for bone tissue regeneration in order to improve the cellular properties.

Publications with chitosan and chitosan derivatives by HMC in 2018

Worldwide, our chitosan and chitosan derivatives are used in research. We created a list of scientific articles published in 2018 using chitosan from HMC. Nanoparticles from chitosan or chitosan derivatives were most frequently produced and tested for a wide variety of applications, mainly directed drug delivery and tissue engineering. Curious where to find chitosan by HMC in research?

Publications in November 2016 - Chitosan for tissue regeneration

This month we deal with chitosan for skin tissue engineering. In 2016, 129 articles about “chitosan” and “tissue engineering” were published. Most publications were written by researchers from China (42 articles), India (14) and the United States (14).

Publications in April 2016 - Tissue Engineering

In April 2016, 268 publications about chitosan were released. In addition to China (52) and the United States (25), Brazil (15) is on the third place of nations with the most publications. The following studies deal with chitosan as drug delivery system to support regeneration of dermal tissue or articular cartilage.

Publications in 2015 - a summary

The development of the chitosan research and chitosan application is steadily proceeding. More than 2100 reports about chitosan and chitosan derivatives were published in 2015. The highest number of publications was performed by the leading nations China (589), India (250), the United States (214) and the European area as a whole.

Publications in November and December 2013

The jear 2013 was an outstanding year for chitosan research, as a new record of publications has been achieved. Throughout the year, 1845 articles about chitosan and chitosan derivatives have been published, which mainly focused on animal and human studies, nanoparticles, pharmaceutical preparations and evaluation studies. The leading scientists in the field of chitosan were Rui L. Reis (University of Minho, Portugal), Shantikumar V. Nair (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University, India) and Andreas Bernkop-Schnürch (University of Innsbruck, Austria).

Publications in September & October 2014

In September and October, 276 chitosan-related articles have been released. The main topics addressed chitosan in evaluation studies, pharmaceutical preparations, nanoparticles and tissue engineering. The highest number of publications was performed by the leading nations China (73 articles), USA (28) and India (22). German scientists published 8 articles, placing them in the top-ten list.

Publications in March 2015

In March 2015, 201 articles about chitosan and chitosan derivatives have been published. The main topics address chitosan in evaluation studies, nanoparticles, pharmaceutical preparations and tissues. Among the top countries of chitosan research are again: China (51 articles), India (23) and USA (21).

Publications in January and February 2013

At the beginning of year 2013 numerous articles about chitosan and chitosan derivatives were published.  All in all 286 publications were released in January and February by leading scientists from China (86 articles), USA (25) and India (25).  The main research field addresses chitosan in animal and human studies, nanoparticles and pharmaceutical preparations.

Publications in August 2011

In August 58 authors and groups of authors reported about new scientific findings in the field of chitosan research.

Publications in July 2011

After dropping in the previous months, the publication number of chitosan articles slightly increased in July. Overall 76 articles were published in this field. In July 2010 83 articles were published, in comparison to this year it is only a small difference.

Publications in September 2010

Besides interesting conferences like the ESB Meeting (European Conference on Biomaterials) from September 11 to 15 in Tampere, Finland many international articles about the application of chitosan appeared. As usual, some interesting papers will be presented.

Publications in July 2010

In July several outstanding articles about chitosan had been published around the world.  All in all 122 articles were released in 67 different journals. With regard to the number of publications the leading countries are China (31), the USA (20) and South Korea (10).

Publications in Chitosan Research in 2008

The systematic study on chitosan and its applications also significantly gains in importance in 2008. The number of articles mentioning chitosan in their title and published in biomedical journals rise by 46% compared to the number of 2007 publications. Exploratory focus of the 692 articles were mainly in the areas biotechnology and pharmaceuticals.

Chitosan a Panacea? - NanoBioSaccharides brightens the dark

Chitosan - NanoBioSaccharides brightens up the darkNanoBioSaccharides - a project that aimed to unravel the properties of an apparent panacea is now concluded. During the last three years over 600 researchers from seven nations, managed by Prof. Dr. Bruno Moerschbacher of the University of Muenster dedicated their time to study the striking abilities of Chitosan and its application in human medicine. In Nanobiotechnology a breakthrough is expected, that will lead to significant changes on the one hand in the field of the delivery of medical bio-materials, drugs and genes and on the other hand in the area of cell- and tissue-engineering.

Chitosan in Tissue Engineering Applications

Dr. Thomas Freier

Tissue engineering is a rapidly growing interdisciplinary field of research focused on the development of vital autologous tissue through the use of a combination of biomaterials, cells, and bioactive molecules, for the purposes of repairing damaged or diseased tissue and organs. The future tissue engineering market potential has been estimated at 70 billion Euro. Due to its biocompatibility and biodegradability, together with its specific interactions with components of the extracellular matrix and growth factors, chitosan has emerged as exceptionally promising material for various tissue engineering applications, including skin, nerve, bone, and cartilage repair applications.

Chitosan publications in February 2009

In February chitosan research remains very active. After 83 articles in January 73 papers were published in the second month of the year 2009.

Congress and fairs

Meet us in person 2025:

  • EPNOE - International Polysaccharide Conference, Sundsvall, Sweden, 25. - 28. August 2025
  • APCCS - Asia-Pacific Chitin and Chitosan Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, 26. - 29. August 2025 
  • CPHI - Frankfurt, Germany, 28. - 30. October 2025
  • MEDICA - Düsseldorf, Germany, 17. - 20. November 2025

To arrange an appointment please contact Katja Richter via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Heppe Medical Chitosan GmbH
    Heinrich-Damerow-Strasse 1
    06120 Halle (Saale)
  • Tel.: +49 (0) 345 27 996 300
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